
the Frog that had no brains

This incident is one of the silliest moments in my life.
It happened during my first year of college, i was doing my B.sc Plant Biology and Plant Biotech at R.K.M.V college mylapore. We had Zoology as the allied subject during the first year, i hated Zoology as i had to dissect cockroaches, earthworms, and worse frogs...(Yuck). Since, i was a vegetarian, I found it rather hard to come in terms to what i was doing. However i persisted all my hatred and continued with the dissections.

The year passed and the pre-final practicals came. It happened that the final dissection was that of Brain of frog. It was a very tough one as i had to cut the Head of the frog and remove the outer layer of skin. The biggest problem was that the tenderness of the body parts required very soft hands. I was not handling the frog properly and ended up making a mess of the Frogs head.

I saw all my friends trying their level best to accomplish the task, they were slightly better as they atleast managed to find the frog's brain (it was already in pieces).The whole atmosphere was tense except for the hilarious moment when my friend Srivatsan(who was also a vegetarian and hated frogs) got up and said to the lecturer, "Sir , this frog has no brains , i can't find anything in its head". The whole class broke into laughter. The lecturer was however bemused and said, " it seems that not only the frog ,but even you dont' have a brain".

I was watching all the action from a corner. All the amusement had stopped and the class got serious again. The lecturer took a look at the time and said " ten minutes more , all of you either finish the dissection or lose your internal marks". These words really added panic . I was so desperate, so i decided to take a risk , i drew the diagram (although it hardly resembled the frog brain) , i took a part of the frogs intestine, carved it into a lookable shape. Silently, i took my paper and the frogs intestine(so called brain) and placed it on the lecturer's desk. I tried to escape only to find the lecturer staring at my masterpiece(the frogs pseudo brain).

Having a very skeptical look at my work , he said ," my dear students, please tell me where to you find the brain of a frog".
My friends replied," in the head of the frog". Then he looked at me and said" i am very suprised to see the frog's intestien, can you explain to me what is happening?"

I was already tense and i muttered" but sir i could not find the brain of the frog". This angered the lecturer so much that he said " It seems that god has created you with your brain placed in your intestine ".

The whole class burst into laughter and i was totally embarassed , this incident is still used by the lecturer to infuse humour among his students . However i remember this incident as one of the craziest things i have done in my life.


At 10:07 AM, Blogger Aswin Kini said...

Hi Pastmaster, thanks for presenting your thoughts on my blog. Well, i wish to say something, i have not written about my mistakes only, i have also written about other topics. I dont know what made you so tense? welll, i am just blogging for fun and i never said that Iam a good writer anyway i will take your comments and will start writing more positive things . Thank you man.( just one ting i dont know who is mr Anonymous? could you tell me who he is)

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Aswin Kini said...

Hey man, i want to say one more thing, please dont pity my learners just by seeing this blog, I am way far better than what you think. Haven't you heard the proverb "dont judge a book by its cover", so please stop commenting on my profession and just comment on my work. I have to also mention something " NOBODY's perfect".

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Aswin Kini said...

Thanks for the compliments,
Mr pastmaster. Thanks for calling me as Einstein (although the word had a different sense)and i will make sure that i improve upon my grammer.But one thing for sure,you are a good critic ,but your manner of criticising had to be in the right way. Thanks.

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Aswin Kini said...

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At 5:47 PM, Blogger Kavitha Kalyan said...

Hey Pastmaster and Asvin,

cool it guys, dont kill each other with this. Pastmaster, this asvin's blog, let him write what he wants, if you dont like it dont read it.

Its very simple. As regards abhilash, the only good thing going for him is his writing.

So guys relax. its simple pastmaster, i cant come to your house and abuse you because you dont keep it clean. same here. so how about being nice... it doesnt hurt anybody.


At 6:05 PM, Blogger Aswin Kini said...

Hi Kavitha, thanks for the comment. But anyway Mr Pastmaster has got a valid point here. Okay thanks for visiting my blog. I really appreciate your writings on the temples of India . Do you have anything about Thiruvannamalai.

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Aswin Kini said...

Hello mr Pastmaster, Its high time you started writing sensible comments. As for me, i think that i have already judged my capabilities and know my limits. SO please stop moaning and try to give more positive comments.
Next time , you comment on somebody , try to use good words and dont use words like"whining like a dog". These kind of words reflect your thoughts in a bad way.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Aswin Kini said...

Hi pastmaster, you are a good critic. I accept that. You have seen all sorts of blogs and commented on all sorts of good articles written by bloggers. I know that mine was not upto your high standards, i accept the fact completely. Well, i liked your comments and i just responded to them promptly.No need for us to get into a fight. As i have already told you, you comment well, but your choice of words are wrong. I have nothing personal against you or anyone. I accept the fact that I am not a good writer like Abhilash,but i am still improving, you have to also accept the fact that not all people have good writing talent. SO happy commenting, bye. I shall not comment further.

At 4:36 AM, Blogger RadioActive Ray said...

Hey Aswin,
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I see you have done some pretty interesting writing. I would come and read them.

BTW, Arya Bhatta's feat is among the first thing that's listed on a huge display in the Museum of Science in Boston.

And yes, thats my intention to spread the awareness among my audience.

BTW, I am not sure you meant 'plastic surgery'- it would probably be just surgery.

Take care and keep blogging ..

At 4:36 AM, Blogger RadioActive Ray said...

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At 9:55 AM, Blogger Aswin Kini said...

Hi Radioactive ray, thanks for commenting, well what i meant in fact was that sushrutha and charka did perform a plastic surgery using crude equipments like sharpened tools made of stone and metal. These tools were first sterilised using herbal medicines and then used to operate the patient. You might have known that our ancestors were way advanced in technology then. They predicted Solar eclipses and lunar eclipses for the next 3000 years with 99% accuracy , when we still struggle with astronomical calculations inspite of having so called High tech gadgets.

At 1:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr BETA...I guess you should be the FROG WITHOUT BRAINS for writing all this crap....


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