
New Lessons

I have about 15 years of education and yet i feel that all of them put together would not equal the small amount of knowledge that i have acquired during my one year of professional life.
When i was studying in college, my professor used to say, "Enjoy your college life to the maximum, because the minute you step out of college, you can never be the same, it's a different world out there waiting for you". How true it is. Like many others, i completed my degree and searched a job, which was the first step to real education.

After finishing my degree, i went to work at a BPO, where i had my first dose of bitter medicine. There, i learned my first and most important lesson was never to underestimate yourself and to be selfconfident, calm, and positive.

After resigning my first job, i analysed myself and changed myself to a field that i stumbled upon by accident, E-learning.
I joined a small organization , started to learn whatever i could. It has been 10 months since i joined this organization. I feel that these ten months have taught me a lot, they have changed me drastically. I have just got a glimpse of the corporate world. It is a very uncomprimising world (as far as i know). In corporates, Money is god. To them, "Money is god, and it should be attained by all means, all other things are secondary".
I never realised this, i felt that my company was treating me well by giving importance. Reality dawned when i realised that i was being used as a tool to humiliate and sack my peers.
Slowly and steadily, i began to realise the true colours of my seniors, they started to blame others because they themselves were inefficient. Politics took the front seat and professionalism took a beating. After many attempts, i realised that i was fighting for nothing and hence put down my papers.
I thought that i had learned all my corporate lessons, but i was wrong. When i went to withdraw my salary, i found that my company had withheld my salary and would be paying me only after my final settlement. Is this the last lesson or am I in store for more, only time will tell.


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