Laughing at Myself

Disappointments - The only good thing about them is that when you succeed, your happiness gets increase manifold.
Well, I am in no mood for philosophy! Because I know that being philosophical doesn't help.
What do you do when you spend 7+ years in trying to make a girl love you and then fail miserably? Do you sulk? Do you spend sleepless nights thinking over her and write poems about her like they do in those STUPID HINDI AND TAMIL FILMS? Do you start boozing like Devadas (Bastard, he found a lame excuse for being an alchoholic)?
Well, it's better NOT to do any of these? They only pile on misery. The best thing would be to move on and try to find your true love.
Ok, so I move on and wait for two years. All of a sudden, my family decide that their son needs a daughter in law. And within no time, you see the family members busy analyzing horoscopes and trying to find a good match. I remain skeptical realizing that I am still NOT READY for getting married. Then they show her photo to me to get me into Marriage mode. When I open the photo, what do I see? I see a beautiful young girl, an angel, the one you kinda wanted to fall in love to? Then, I think that maybe this is retribution!Whoa! wait, god has other plans in store. Our horoscopes don't match and I fall to Ground Zero from Cloud Nine again! Total Comedy.
I end up sulking for 2 hours and then accept the fact that this ain't the right time. So, I start doing what I did best, hangout with my friends, go to office, read articles, chat with friends, play cricket.
Just as things seem to go pretty fine, I get curious and land up searching HER (The girl I was supposed to be engaged to) profile in Facebook. And what do I see, I see her engagement photos. Ouch! Now, that hurt! Ok, so another one down the drain, I think, "Well, maybe a girl that beautiful deserved better, Wish her all the best".
Then, I try to sign out of Facebook. "Wait",my mind says. "Lemme see who that lucky guy was?" So, I go and see the photo of that lucky lad. Boy, what a sight, he looks plump, fair, and completely opposite to her slim and trim frame. They both seem complete opposites. For a second, I imagine how it would have been if I had been in his place.
I then realize that she WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE my life partner. With a heavy heart, I sign out of Facebook and sulk for an hour. Then, I start with my mundane work. I realize that I still remain SINGLE!
A week later, Mom informs me that another prospective alliance has arrived. This time, I say NO clearly.
For some moments, my mind begins to wallow in self-pity. But when I realize that this is just a part of life and that I am bound to get a GOOD ONE in the near future. The confidence comes back and I feel better!
When I just sit back and ponder thinking what would have happened if any of those things had WORKED and I had been engaged, I start laughing at myself :)
Because I realize that I am GOOD, I have the talent to make it BIG in life, and sooner or later, I am bound to find my TRUE love ANYWAYS. So why sulk in pity when God has given you the tools to achieve what you desire.
"If you are so confident, why do you need such a LONG POST", You may ask.

I needed to write this long post because I feel better when I download my bad feelings somewhere else.
"The person who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused."
Life is too precious to be spent worrying. I have a strong GUT feeling that my RETRIBUTION is just around the corner. So, please wish me luck. And sorry for the LONG POST.
Bye. I need to step out and see if I can find my ANGEL ;)
Labels: Humor, Nonsense, Self-Depreciation